Love / I

In my Love posts I will present you each time something that I am loving for the moment / or that I have been loving for a long time.

Presenting you in this first Love post my favorite magazines

I. Cereal 

 Cereal is a magazine that emphasizes on food and travelling. They published IV issues so far. I recently orded volume 3 to 4 and preorded till volume 7.
 Website: Cereal  & blog

II. Acne Paper 

 Acne paper is a magazine issued by the brand Acne Stockholm. Every issue is created around one   theme e.g. Youth, Body, ... Acne Paper has XV published issues. The photography is always very stunning and the articles are well researched.
 Website: Acne Paper

III Kinfolk Magazine 

 Kinfolk Magazine is another magazine about food and travel I really enjoy reading. Recipes and photos inspire me to make those delicious Japanese meals out of this Japanese Issue!
 Website: Kinfolk Magazine

1 comment:

  1. Ik zoek nog altijd volume 2 van cereal, puur en alleen al voor de cover. Zo mooi.
